Solar taxi trying to circle the globe

Swiss teacher Louis Palmer wanted to demonstrate the capabilities of solar power so he created the sun-fueled vehicle shown above. Then he set out to circumnavigate the globe. He set out from Lucerne, Switzerland last July on a year long journey that so far has carried him through Europe, the Middle East, and India. Palmer's three-wheeled, two-seater carries a taxi sign because Palmer is offering rides to anyone who's interested as he makes his trek in the Solar Taxi. This week he tooling around Bali, Indonesia while the UN holds a climate conference there. The solar taxi tows a trailer with extra solar panels bringing the total cell area up to 65 sq. ft. To date he has covered almost 9,000 miles and we'll be looking for Louis when he makes his way to the U.S. next year on his way home later in 2008.

[Source: Reuters]

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