SPEED casting for... yet another NASCAR show

It seems that Speed TV is looking to expand its NASCAR broadcast lineup (as the series has yet to take up all 24 hours of available time). The net has placed a casting call on its website for passionate and charismatic NASCAR fans with extremely flexible schedules. From the description it looks to be a bit of a marketing grunt position. The job calls for such tasks as executing scheduled race weekend events, interacting with race fans, distributing marketing material and developing a rapport with the SPEED on-air team. They left out the part about fetching coffee and dry cleaning, which are tasks normally associated with unpaid internships. It is unclear whether the chosen candidates will be a part of an all new NASCAR show or whether they will be additional cast members for existing programming. If it sounds interesting to you then get your video application in before December 10th.
Thanks for the tip, Eric!

[Source: Speed]

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