Video: Garage 419 - The Spinelli edition

After we mourned the departure of Spinelli from his Postfather position at J-nik, we were enticed to check out one of his newest endeavors at Garage419, a video site dedicated to opinionated banter on the auto news of the day. It's kind of like a flame-war, but less civil and more informed. Matt Farah, from the New York Motor Club, and Mike get into it over the rumored Ferrari Dino, a possible revival of the Lamborghini LM002, how ugly the Porsche Panamera is and Farah's undying love for the DeLorean. They also take a few minutes to discuss street-racing and whether or not the laws governing our roadways accurately reflect what our machinery is capable of.

It's good, clean, wholesome entertainment for a lazy Saturday afternoon and you can check it out after the jump.

The video meant to be presented here is no longer available. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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