Loose lion chases cars in Ohio

I am beaming with pride for my home state of Ohio as I deliver the news that motorists should keep an eye out for lions on the roadways this holiday season. Last Wednesday a pet lion named Lambert escaped from its owner's cage near Columbus and began chasing cars on the highway. This King of the Asphalt Jungle escaped through the top of his pen and was the source of some pretty entertaining 911 calls before its owner, Terry Brumfield, managed to coax it back into its cage. Before that, Lambert was chasing down cars left and right, though fortunately did not cause an accident. Brumfield reportedly raises lions, of which he has two named Lambert and Lacey, to battle depression. We can think of a number of anti-depressants that do the same thing without the risk of some truly exotic road kill, but to each his own. While Ohio does regulate animals that are native to its region, it does not have any legislation regarding the ownership of exotic pets like lions and tigers and bears, Oh My! Well, there are probably a few bears native to Ohio, but they're not usually found chasing cars on the interstate.
[Source: 11alive.com via Kicking Tires]

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