Rumormill: Hyundai headed into Formula D?

A factory-backed Hyundai drift team? It doesn't sound so fanciful after last week's introduction of the Genesis Coupe. Everyone who looks at the Concept Genesis has the same reaction, whether the powerplant referenced is a turbocharged four or a torquey V6 - "what a perfect drift car that would be." If this rumor pans out, it seems that Hyundai had the idea first, and they want to give their new RWD coupe some street cred. Maybe we'll find out more when the production version is unveiled at the New York International Auto Show. More grist for the rumor mill: there are serious discussions ongoing between Hyundai and a top drift team to field the Genesis Coupe in the 2008 or 2009 drift season. It would definitely go a long way toward bolstering the image of the new RWD Coupe from Hyundai to have it sliding around, tail out, kicking ass in Formula D, especially among the clientele this vehicle targets.

Thanks for the tip, MrCoolGuy!

[Source: C16]

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