Karma's a bitch: Car burglar flees police, nabbed by gator instead

Hindsight being what it is, an unidentified thief (allegedly) burglarizing cars behind the Miccosukee Resort in Dade County, Florida might have picked a different hunting ground had he known that he'd become the hunted. And we mean that in the most literal sense. You see, witnesses called the cops on the burglar while he was breaking into cars, and the boys in blue arrived on the scene and gave chase. Hoping to elude the fuzz, the suspect dove into a pond behind the resort and casino where he was greeted by a 9-foot alligator unfamiliar with the concept of Miranda rights. Unfortunately for the suspected burglar, the gator was of the aggressive and unpleasant variety, and thus, a law-breaking career came to a grisly and unexpected end. He'd have been a lot better off spending the night in the clink instead of heading into the drink. Unfortunately for the gator vigilante, Florida fish & wildlife reps saw to it that he followed his erstwhile prey into the afterlife.

Follow the jump for local news video.

[Source: AP via Breitbart]

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