ASES Report: 40 Million 'Green Collar Jobs' by 2030


It seems to be no doubt that Green energy is quite a hot sector these days, although people in the industry might be wise not to be pushing for a kind of mentality/burst. Such is the statement of the ASES (American Solar Energy Society) who states that "as many as 1 out of 4 workers in the U.S. will be working in the renewable energy or energy efficiency industries by 2030".

The report includes really positive forecasts for 2030. Let's highlight a few:

  • Green energy could generate up to $4.5 trillion in revenue in the US, although an adequate public policy will be required.
  • Up to 40 million jobs could be related to renewable energy, which include not only engineering, but indirect jobs such as accountancy, management, and construction.
  • Renewable energy and energy efficiency already generate $1 trillion revenue, contributing $150 billion in tax revenue.
  • Currently, the biggest part of this trillion comes from energy efficiency (insulation, recycling, newer appliances) but the renewable energy is rising more quickly.
  • Solar, wind and ethanol are considered the hottest areas of growth.

ASES created the report to work as a guide for political leaders to attract renewable energy and energy efficiency businesses and jobs. You can download the PDF here.

[Source: ASES]

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