SEMA Sideshow: Hossfly V8 Barstools caught on video

click above image to watch video of the Hossfly V8 Barstool in action

When the SEMA Show is over and it's time for the exhibitors to clear out of the convention center, it makes for an interesting spectacle to watch. Vehicles forbidden to operate on the street can be seen ripping down Paradise Rd. without consequence. It just so happens that during this time we caught a glimpse of the previously posted Hossfly V8 Barstools in action. While walking away from the convention center, the crowd around us began to part like Moses and the Red Sea. We could hear a vehicle approaching that sounded like a pissed off Camaro with an open header exhaust. Turning around we discovered that the commotion was caused not by a crazy muscle car, but by two stools on wheels. We luckily whipped out the camera in time and caught a clip of the barstools in action. The video doesn't quite do justice to the amount of noise generated by these contraptions. We can also only assume that after a week of sitting idle at the show, they were on their way to the nearest bar counter for a couple of cold beers. Follow the jump to see the video.

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The video meant to be presented here is no longer available. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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