California couple develop a waterless car wash system

The case of Lisa and Jeff Peri is certainly no the first time that Necessity is the mother of invention: their young daughter was chronically sick suffering from a variety of ailments and the couple ultimately discovered that she was allergic to a variety of cleaning chemicals. It turned out that car wash detergents were among the most troublesome agents for their daughter so they set about finding a hypoallergenic alternative.
When they couldn't find a waterless cleaner that wouldn't irritate their daughter, they decided to create their own and market it. They worked with a chemist to create a non-sensitive waterless car wash that became available on-line last June. Green Earth Waterless Car Wash is now being used by a large Lexus dealer and a local hospital. The original car wash spray has now been joined by a car seat cleaner and a tire cleaner. Given the drought conditions in many parts of the country, waterless product like this could be a real hit. There's a town in Tennessee that has run out of water and is probably interested.

[Source: Los Angeles Times]

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