2010 could bring Hyundai Elantra hybrid with lithium ion battery

Come 2010, the Chevy Volt might not be the only car on the road with a lithium ion battery pack from LG (via their Compact Power Inc. subsidiary). Hyundai is currently testing a fleet of hybrid Elantras in Korea and wants to have a full production hybrid soon. A hybrid Elantra could arrive on American roads by 2010 using an LG lithium battery, leap-frogging Toyota. Hyundai still has concerns about thermal issues with lithium but feels cost should not be a problem. Unlike Toyota, Hyundai can't afford a dedicated platform for a hybrid which is why they will use the future Elantra instead. Around the same time as the hybrid, Hyundai will also add a diesel V-6 to the Veracruz crossover.

[Source: Automotive News - Sub. req'd]

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