Chinese coming on strong at 2008 Detroit Auto Show

We remember back in 2005 2006 when the first Chinese automaker to exhibit at the Detroit Auto Show made history just by attending. That would be Geely, and though its display was relegated to the front lobby, the motoring press was impressed by its mere presence in the Motor City. Fast Forward to 2008 and the largest ever contingent of Chinese automakers has just been announced as confirmed for this year's Detroit Auto Show. They include Changfeng Motor Group, BYD Auto Co., China America Automotive Inc./ZXNA, Ls Shi Guang Ming Auto Design Co. and, of course, Geely International Group.

But where's the Nanjing Automobile Corporation, Shanghai Automotive Industry Corp. (SAIC), Brilliance Auto and Chery Automobile? We seem to hear more about those companies and their aspirations to enter the U.S. market than the ones attending the Detroit Auto Show this year, save for Geely. We'll of course be on hand to see what each has to offer, but while the number of Chinese automakers attending is a record this year, we still think a few of the more promising ones are missing.

[Source: The Detroit News]

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