ROUSH Silverado sketch leaked!

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We have no information on this other than the image you see here, but pictures say a lot, and this one says that ROUSH is about to spread some of its performance pickup love over to General Motors in the form of the ROUSH Silverado. A poster at the forum snuck a cameraphone shot of an official sketch and published it on the website. As you can see when you enlarge the photo, there's a pretty concise legal disclaimer at the bottom, and if we had to guess, someone is definitely going to get fired for this rather significant security breach. Either that, or ROUSH has deftly embraced viral marketing. Here's hoping for a blown 6.2L under that domed hood.

We have spoken to ROUSH, and they can only confirm that the Silverado depicted above is "a project that we are evaluating."

Thanks for the heads-up, Josh.

[Source: via TheGMSource]

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