Carting Under the Influence: Bill Murray busted in Stockholm

It's a Cinderella story gone all wrong! In Stockholm earlier this week on a quest to become the Scandinavian Masters champion, Oscar-nominated actor Bill Murray got his name in the papers following a run-in with police that involved the actor, alcohol, and a borrowed golf cart.
Murray was in Sweden to play in the aforementioned Scandinavian masters golf tournament, and the hotel where he was staying had a golf cart available on site. Monday night, Murray reportedly took the cart and drove it to a nightspot a mile from the hotel. On his way back later in the evening, the local constabulary noticed the cart being driven erratically and pulled it over to find Murray at the controls. The officer who made the stop asked Murray to blow into a breathalyzer, which he refused. That said, based on reports of the incident, the actor was completely reasonable in how he went about handling the predicament.

[Source: E!]

He took a blood test instead and gave a written statement saying that yes, he had been operating the cart under the influence. He also gave permission for a local police officer to plead guilty on his behalf if the case ever goes to trial. (That would happen only if the blood test results show that he was over the legal limit.) The hotel manager was not upset that Murray briefly absconded with the cart, and the worst thing a local detective had to say about the matter was that it was unlike anything else he'd had to deal with before. And so, it looks like it's all going to end very quietly.

No word on whether or not Murray went Spackler and called the arresting officer a "fuzzy little foreigner."

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