VIDEO: Franchitti's harrowing airborne crash during Firestone 400

Indianapolis 500 winner, current IndyCar points leader and husband of actress of Ashley Judd (rank those however you want) Dario Franchitti was involved in a spectacular airborne crash during this weekend's Firestone 400 at Michigan International Speedway, though fortunately he walked away with nary a scratch. Franchitti was doing his best to hold off Dan Wheldon, currently 4th in points, on Lap 144, when his rear end touched wheels with the front of Wheldon's car. Franchitti's car turned sideways in front of Wheldon, which instantly created a giant wing and a ramp from which his car was launched high into the air at over 200 mph. At one point the car was pointing straight down at the pavement. Franchitti eventually landed upside down on top of Scott Dixon's car, narrowly missing the head of the man who is currently chasing him in points. In addition to those three drivers and their cars, Sam Hornish Jr., Tomas Scheckter, Ed Carpenter and A.J. Foyt IV were also involved in this 7-car crash/aerial display. Though no one was seriously injured, A.J. Foyt IV was showing everyone his helmet, which reportedly featured tire marks from Franchitti's car. Wheldon was absolved of any responsibility for the crash by Franchitti, who said after the race, "It's not Dan's fault and I don't believe it's my fault. We're just out there trying to get an advantage."

It's thought Franchitti was on pace to win the race, having led the most laps despite not finishing with 56 left to go. Tony Kanaan took the checkered flag instead, though Franchitti remains the season's points leader.

Check out the crash from every possible camera angle after the jump.

[Source:, ESPN]

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