VIDEO: Goodwood - Formula 1 cars

Click above for F1 gallery from Goodwood

While we're the first to admit that we are better with a DSLR than a camcorder, we did have a video camera with us at Goodwood and captured a few passes. This particular clip shows some of the current F1 cars doing their thing and the parade down to the start line. The F1 cars were prohibited from doing full speed runs a few years ago because their terminal velocity is far too great to keep the spectators safe at Goodwood. So rather than going for fast times, the cars and drivers are there to entertain the fans. Even in the rain, they managed to do just that. Follow the jump for the YouTube clip produced, which is also posted by our buddy over at SoCalSpeedZone. And if you haven't seen them yet, don't forget to check out our galleries from this year's Festival of Speed.

Better quality vid available by clicking here.

Thanks, Duane!

The video meant to be presented here is no longer available. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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