Udall Foundation sets out on national biodiesel bus tour

The Morris K. Udall Foundation, established in honor of Morris K. Udall's thirty years of service in the House of Representatives, is organizing a bus tour to spread the joy of giving. Not so much in a Christmas sort of way, but rather in a way to encourage young Americans in public service to find solutions to "pressing environmental and Native American issues."
Thirteen Udall Scholars are packing their bags for the two-month cross-country trip in a bus running on a mix of 20 percent biodiesel and 80 percent ultra-low sulfur diesel. A neat feature of the bus is its emissions-monitoring sensors that will stream real-time info to their website for all to see. Also, the purchase of carbon offsetting materials will contribute towards making the tour a carbon-neutral endeavor.

The foundation is rightfully tooting their own horn by laying claim to the fact that this "motor coach" (read: tour bus) is the first ever green-certified one of its kind. They also pride themselves on having a whole slew of scholarships, fellowships and placements of "Native American interns in Congressional and Executive Branch offices." Their tour itinerary can be read in the press release after the jump.

[Source: Morris K. Udall Foundation]
Summer Trip Will Highlight Sustainable Cities, Native American Communities, College Campuses, National Parks And Biofuels

TUCSON, Ariz., June 4 /PRNewswire/ -- On June 12, thirteen Udall Scholars will pack their bags for a two-month journey across the United States promoting public service and the legacy of the late Congressman Morris K. Udall. Traveling in the first-ever "green certified" motor coach, they will cross the country highlighting innovative initiatives that are under way in cities, Native American communities, national parks and college campuses.

Along the way, the riders will participate in public service projects created by alumni of the Foundation's scholarship, fellowship and internship programs.

The Udall Legacy Bus Tour will kick off at the U.S. Capitol in Washington on June 12 at an event featuring a number of members of the Senate and House. The tour's goal is to highlight young people nationwide who are finding solutions to America's pressing environmental and Native American issues. The tour will cross the nation in the first motor coach approved by the University of Vermont's "Green Coach Certification" program. Fueled by a blend of 20% biodiesel and 80% ultra low sulfur diesel, the bus will be equipped with emissions-monitoring hardware, and the real time data will be posted on the tour's website. In addition, purchased carbon offsets will help the Foundation reach its goal of a carbon-neutral tour.

Sponsors include: Bureau of Indian Affairs, National Park Service, Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Forest Service, Department of Transportation, U.S. Institute for Environmental Conflict Resolution, University of Vermont, Lamoille Valley Transportation, Caterpillar Inc., City of Tucson, and Bert W. Martin Foundation. Motor Coach Industries is donating use of a new motor coach, and Particle Instruments is providing emissions testing equipment.

Established by Congress, the Morris K. Udall Foundation awards the premier merit-based scholarships, fellowships and internships for studies related to the environment and Native American policy in the United States. Since 1996, the Foundation has awarded 916 scholarships, 22 Ph.D. fellowships, and has placed 138 Native American interns in Congressional and Executive Branch offices. The Foundation includes the U.S. Institute for Environmental Conflict Resolution, which provides mediation and related services to help resolve federal environmental disputes nationwide.

Tour itinerary:

June 12: Washington D.C. (Kickoff Event) 12-13: Philadelphia 14-15: New York City 16-17: Boston 18: Bar Harbor, ME 19: Acadia National Park 20-21: Burlington, VT 22-23: Ithaca, NY 25: State College, PA 27: West Lafayette, IN 28-29: Chicago

July 01: Nashville 02-05: New Orleans 06: Houma, LA 08-09: Oklahoma City 10: Lawrence, KS 12-14: Boulder/Denver 15-16: Grand Teton National Park 17: Yellowstone National Park 18-19: Missoula/Flathead, MT 21-22: Seattle 23-24: Portland 25: Grand Ronde, OR 26: Redwood National Park 28-29: San Francisco 30: Monterey Bay, CA 31: Yosemite National Park August 02-03: Phoenix 03-05: Tucson (Final Event August 4)

For more information, including specific activities at each stop, see http://www.udall.gov.

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