David Cole pushes for ethanol from sugar cane in Hawaii

Last fall, I tried to make the case that all-electric vehicles were ideally suited for the transportation needs of most of the people who live in Hawaii. I stand by that idea, but realize that there are others (like Vinod Khosla) who are more into biofuels in the islands than EVs. David Cole is one such proponent, and his call to take a look at sugar cane as an ethanol feedstock is getting a bit of attention (like, for example, the New York Times).
Green economist Ken Stokes, who writes at the Sustainability in Hawaii, explains that he's not totally thrilled with the idea of sugar cane ethanol because "it's our thirstiest crop" even though it might be a lot cheaper to make ethanol from cane than corn. In a place that imports about 90 of its energy, almost any move towards self-sufficiency is a smart one. Read more at SusHI.

[Source: Sustainability in Hawaii]

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