New York Auto Show: Meet your media professionals at the Jalopnik 2.33 Party

Davey Johnson models the Jalopnik uniform – a Husker Du shirt and full facial hair

We spent a nice night on the town in NYC after the first press day of the 2007 New York Auto Show came to a close on Wednesday. We wined and dined, walked for miles and finally ended up at the Manhattan Car Club where fellow bloggers from Jalopnik were throwing a party to celebrate their blogging birthday of sorts (the site is around two and one third years old). The Jalopnik crew were gracious hosts and offered free drinks and loin burgers to a crowd of automotive journalists that's very accustomed to being fed for free.

If you've ever wondered who the power players are in the world of online automotive journalism, check out this gallery of the event that's been captioned by one Ray Wert, Jalopnik's resident socialite and host with the most.

[Source: Jalopnik]

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