Autoblog Podcast #59

We apologize for the tardiness of Autoblog Podcast #59, as sometimes it's a devil to coordinate schedules. We managed to get our act together for this week though, and in episode 59, Dan Roth fills in for Damon Lavrinc, who's in Geneva. Alex and Dan recount their visit to the Consumer Reports track day, which provided insight into the organizations testing methods and showed that there are real car guys within the belly of the beast. A great time was had by all, and the CR folks were eminently gracious. After talking about that for longer than we should have (whoops!), we move on to the newly-unveiled Mazda 2, and our lust for it. This time, it looks like we won't be met with denial from Ford, as the 2's platform-mate, the Ford Fiesta, heads this way for 2009. We take the time to do some general Ford pontificating, move on to a tangent about styling trends and wrap up with breathless praise for the swagger of the Opel GTC Concept's lines. Enjoy!
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