Martin Eberhard of Tesla Motors skeptical of ethanol economy

Michigan business writer Howard Lovy caught up with Martin Eberhard and asked him about ethanol. We all know where Eberhard's fuel-saving interests are focused, but he remains an informed and perceptive observer of the automotive energy situation in this country.
"I'm highly skeptical of the 'ethanol economy. I'm highly skeptical of the motivation of the large car companies regarding ethanol," said Eberhard.

Regardless, Detroit and Washington are pushing ethanol. Lovy also took a look at the issue from a venture capitalist's point of view. Vinod Khosia is a fan of ethanol.

"It's because, as all smart VCs who learned their lessons from the 1990s know, you change the world by working within it." wrote Lovy.

Following a short debate between the two viewpoints, Lovy says he'll side with Eberhard, and even made a comparison to the ultimate demise of computer as we know it.

"Tesla might not become the "Next GM," wrote Lovy. "But I do know Eberhard is on the right side of the dividing line between the old world and the new."

[Source: Howard Lovy / Michigan Business Review]

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