School kids get day off as cold weather clogs biodiesel in busses

School buses in Ft. Wayne, Indiana, and St. Louis were sidelined Monday when the biodiesel may have clogged up fuel lines. About 25 percent of the buses in Fort Wayne area were affected. Officials say they run on B20, which is a mix of 20 percent biodiesel and 80 percent premium diesel fuel. The problems may not be entirely the fault of biodiesel. Officials also said some buses that run on 100 percent diesel fuel in other districts also failed.

In St. Louis, at least two buses were diagnosed with congealed fuel. The school district's fuel supplier was scheduled to drain all the biodiesel from the buses and storage tanks, and then refill them with premium diesel fuel. One official said the fuel might have been made from chicken fat instead of grain.

[Sources: Ese Isiorho / Ft. Wayne News-Sentinel & Rosemary Horvath / The Morning Sun]

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