2007 RM Auctions, Arizona: Mega gallery

Here we bring you another mega gallery of random shots that didn't make our main posts from Auction Week in Arizona. Barrett-Jackson, the huge carnival with 1200+ vehicles held at Westworld, is the one that gets the lion's share of coverage. Russo and Steele is like B-J's little brother with its smaller size but similar features. And then there's the subject of this particular gallery, RM. The RM Auction is the more subdued, muscle-car-light, and civilized auction, held not in a tent, but in the ballroom of the Arizona Biltmore Resort & Spa in Phoenix, Arizona. This is where we saw Alain de Cadenet explaining what he loved most about each of the dozen or so cars paraded before him. Everything here just felt more relaxed and genteel. They actually sat us in the front row in front of the turntable to get the best shots. What class. A big thanks to the folks at RM and to Drew Phillips of Fast-Autos.net, who once again provided us with expert photographs from the auction.

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