Hammond talks about crash, photos of accident released

Much has been said about the horrific crash that occured on September 21st last year in which Top Gear host Richard Hammond nearly lost his life after losing control of the jet car he was driving for a bit on his beloved TV show. Hammond has spoken out today in an article published on the UK's Daily Mirror website. He recalls seeing the accident footage for the first time in the Top Gear offices, which will be debuted to the public during the show's return on January 28th. The footage clearly reveals the cause of the accident, which was a tire that blew out as Hammond and his jet car were travelling 288 mph. Hammond reveals that he actually foretold the crash while taping an intro before the run, saying on camera that this might end up in "the biggest accident you've ever seen". Unfortunately it did end that way, but credit goes to Hammond's white helmet, visible in the footage, and the car's roll cage, for preventing the crash being fatal. Four stills from the crash footage have been released with Hammond's words, but we've only posted one here. Please click the Read link to see the rest and read Hammond's own account of the crash and seeing it for himself the very first time.
[Source: Daily Mirror via GermanCarScene]

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