How to... become a test driver

We don't think we're going out on a limb by saying that a gig as an automotive test driver is at the top of most gearhead's career wish list. Surprisingly enough, the requirements for such a position are within the grasp of those of you with a clean driving record and a good work ethic.

An article we came across gives a mildly detailed outline of what prospective test drivers should expect from the job, what requirements are necessary and what educational background will get your foot in the door. A degree in mechanical engineering is a huge plus, but it isn't a necessity and normally a high school diploma is all that's required. However, having certain skills behind the wheel is an absolute must.

"What skills?" You ask.

Having the ability (and dare we say, talent) to bring the vehicle to its limits is one obvious requirement, but overall, well-above average motoring practices will suffice, along with the ability to drive for extended periods of time and being able to communicate what the vehicle is doing to engineers and other interested parties.

We're starting to search some of the job sites now, but we're thinking there may be a small conflict of interest. That, and our driving record might not be up to snuff.


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