Autoblog Podcast Relaunch Sweepstakes #2: Update

The first Autoblog Podcast Relaunch Sweepstakes received a grand total of 121 submissions over the course of a week. In less than two days, the Autoblog Podcast Relaunch Sweepstakes #2, the prize for which is a 2GB iPod Nano, has attracted over 100 submissions. Obviously you all are catching on to the fact that these are some good odds.
Entering the Autoblog Podcast Relaunch Sweepstakes #2 to win a 2GB iPod Nano is super simple. Listen to episode #51 of the Autoblog Podcast for this week's secret keyword that's announced during the show. Email the keyword along with your name, age and address to abresearch at gmail dot com. Bamb! That's it. You've just entered the sweepstakes. We'll accept submissions through 12AM EST on Wednesday, December 26th, at which point we'll randomly select the winner. Check out the official rules here.

This is the second sweepstakes in a series of four, so we've got two more iPods to give away after the 2GB Nano finds a new home. Please subscribe to the Autoblog Podcast in iTunes so you're sure not to miss any of the upcoming episodes. A free iPod hangs in the balance.

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