Elon Musk says Tesla is still planning on $30,000 EV by 2010

The San Jose Mercury News did an interview last week with Tesla Motors chairman Elon Musk. Musk made his fortune by founding PayPal and Zip2 and now he wants to change the world. He has personally kicked in $30 million of his own money to the Tesla project and reiterated his intentions to expand the company beyond the Lotus Elise based roadster. By 2010 he wants to have a range of three models including one costing only $30,000 that he expects to eventually reach a sales volume of 100,000 annually.
Apparently the upcoming Tesla Roadster is undergoing crash tests in Germany right now and production is expected to start next summer. The other models won't be coming from Lotus so a new factory will be needed somewhere. Unless those cars are based on some other existing models, Tesla is going to have a very hard time meeting that 2010 target for the lowest-priced model. Of course, there are a "few" plants scattered around the United States right now looking for a product to build.

[Source: SiliconValley.com via Hugg]

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