Science teachers reject free copies of "An Inconvient Truth" under pressure from ExxonMobil

The National Science Teachers Association was offered 50,000 free copies of the Al Gore documentary An Inconvenient Truth for classroom use. The group however decided to decline the offer because they didn't want to upset Exxon\Mobil. The oil company is a major financial supporter of the organization and decided it wasn't worth the risk of upsetting a contributor. The NSTA said they didn't want to offer any political endorsement of the film and saw little benefit to the group or it's members in accepting the DVDs. In their rejection letter to producer Laurie David, they said that accepting the DVDs would place, "unnecessary risk upon the [NSTA] capital campaign, especially certain targeted supporters." One of those supporters is the ExxonMobil Corp." Clearly, the group cares more about keeping the flow of oil money going than they do in providing kids exposure to a viewpoint contrary to that of the oil companies.
[Source: BoingBoing]

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