Jalopnik Needs a T-Shirt Slogan

Our friends at Jalopnik are holding an online vote to decide what their T-Shirt slogan should be.
The list is long, distinguished, and Camino-laden. It is also funny, so you should go read through the candidates and vote immediately. I myself voted for "Save the Enzos," which is laying down the smack with extreme prejudice so far. I'd have gone 'Camino but it looks like two of them may still make it into the finals, where they will potentially Ross Perot each other. Clearly, this is more exciting than this past November's election.Other slogan candidates namecheck Chuck Norris and, of course, Jason Vines. Like a jilted Oscar hopeful, GM's Steve Harris is nowhere to be seen on the list of nominees.

Remember, voting is a civic duty.

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