RR of the Day: MkII Toyota Supra

The MkII Toyota Supra never received the affection garnered by its younger siblings, but it set the standard for future coupes and is still beloved in certain circles.

Power came from either a 2- or 2.8-liter inline six that produced anywhere between 145 and 161 HP and was channeled through a five-speed gearbox. Weighing in at just over 3,000 pounds, it was a quick ride for its time and proved to be a thoroughly enjoyable whip for both this writer and Flickr member longbowmkii.

There seem to be fewer and fewer of these on the road in decent shape, so we thought this particular example deserved a spot in this week's RR of the Day, 80s edition. We're even more enthused that Mr. Longbow has gotten his MkII out to a local autocross to see if it can still hang in the gymkhana world.

We're still on the prowl for more rides of the 80s, so tease your hair out, throw on that zipper laden leather jacket and submit your photos to our Flickr account by following the directions after the jump.

How to submit to RR of the Day:
Create a
Flickr account if you don't already have one. Search for and join the group called 'Autoblog RR of the Day'. Upload up to three photos of your ride to your own account at a size no larger than 450 pixels wide if possible and include as much information about it and yourself as possible. Even if your ride is sweet, it will not be chosen if there's not a lot of info accompanying it. Click on each photo and just above the picture it will say "Send to group". Click that and select the Autoblog group. You're done, that's it!

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