Geely Fengyin Concept: Chinese take a wrong turn at Aztek

Our colleagues at Autoblog Chinese caught this concept from Geely called the Fengyin hanging out by the curb. It reminds us of exactly what a fifth-grader would produce were he given a Pontiac Aztek and an unlimited budget. The exterior design gives us paper cuts just looking at it, and the interior is, well, not finished we hope. The boys report back that the Fengyin does have a couple tricks it performs, like voice-activated door opening. Considering the state of the interior, however, we'd be screaming at the car to keep its scissor doors down. Believe it or not, this concept's going to be on Geely's main stage at the Beijing Motor Show soon.

More pics, if you dare, can be viewed after the jump.

[Source: Autoblog Chinese]


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