Making biodiesel from peanuts, for peanuts

From soy we can produce about 50 gallons of biodiesel per acre whereas peanuts can yield as much as 123 gallons on the same amount of land. So why then does the U.S. generate the majority of its biodiesel from soy? The answer lies within the value of peanut oil on the global market. It's more valuable than soy which makes the conversion to biodiesel an unattractive option.

According to Farm Press, researchers at the University of Georgia are working to fix this problem. They see the answer in a peanut variety that would be grown specifically for biodiesel production. Their primary goals are that they be non-edible, high in oil and cheaper to grow than a conventional peanut. If they can meet these requirements, they would not have to compete with the world market and biodiesel will be one step closer to becoming what Phillip Badger, president of General Bioenergy, calls a part of the "silver buckshot" solution alongside ethanol.

[Source: Farm Press via Renewable Energy Access]

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