Guess Car and Driver's 10Best list, win one for a year

We're going to have to run some more of our own contests around here so we won't have to cover what the other auto pubs are doing so much. The TWATs were bad enough, but now we have to cover one of the biggies: Car and Driver.

OK, it isn't so bad. This contest is really kind of fun, and the prizes are very cool. In honor of the 25th anniversary of their 10 Best issue, Car and Driver magazine is having a special contest for its readers. All you have to do is follow all of the rules they have spelled out in pages and pages of legalese and guess which cars are going to win this year's awards. Two lucky individuals who get them all right will win a one-year lease on one of the winning vehicles. Second place wins a one-day Skip Barber session. They even help you out with a list of nominees! Couldn't be simpler. Check it out by following this link.

[Source: The Auto Channel]

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