Chinese Byd for entry into sports car market


From many angles, the F8 has a definite Mercedes-Benz SL look to it. Scheduled to be unveiled at the Beijing Auto Show by Chinese automaker Byd Auto, the hardtop convertible is the first one in China with independant intellectual property rights. Byd says that the F8's hard-top can be lowered in 25 seconds with the touch of a button. It's funny the company would bother to engineer its own hydraulic hardtop mechanism when it relies so heavily on the designs of other automakers. In 2005, it began selling the F3 that looked more than a bit like a Toyota Corolla, and soon it will also release the F6, which has strong BMW 7-Series overtones. (See both cars after the jump.)

The F8 will also be equipped with features such as ABS, four airbags, electric windows and a DVD player. An official U.S. launch date, yes we said U.S., is TBD, but Byd says the F8 should hit our shores priced about $26,000.

See the F3, F6 and F8 after the jump.


Byd Auto F3

Byd Auto F6

Byd Auto F8

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