First pic of Richard Hammond up and out of hospital

We just reported a couple of days ago that Richard Hammond is out of the hospital and starting his recuperation. Even better news today, we have a photo of the Hamster walking with his family. Amazingly, it looks like it could have been taken six weeks ago before the jet car crash that sent him to the hospital occurred. While we know he is not out of the woods just yet, it is very heartening to see him up and about like this. Despite the severity of the crash and the lingering potential for brain damage, Hammond's doctors expect him to fully recover.
Richard was seen strolling with his wife and daughter as he went on his first family outing since the accident, a shopping trip close to his home in Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire. Earlier this week, the Hamster revealed how the accident had left him "utterly bonkers." The father of two said that his brain damage caused him "terrifying mental anguish." He also mentioned that he had "flatlined" in the hospital and that he has suffered "private breakdowns" since the crash. Click through the read link for the full story and a larger pic. Great to see you on your feet again, Richard.

Thanks for the tip, Vinny!

[Source: Daily Mail]

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