TVR taps Bertone in Italy to build lineup?

A new Autocar item is saying that the next-generation of TVRs will be built by Bertone in Italy, using Ricardo-produced engines. This comes on the heels of reports that the tiny manufacturer was leaving the UK. And that announcement followed the initial declaration that the firm would remain British. Nikolai Smolenski made the announcement yesterday that the current factory in Blackpool would be shut down. French and Russian plants have been rumored as potential sites, but Autocar's sources believe that Italian coachbuilder Bertone will be used to produce the '07 Sagaris, Tuscan and Tuscan convertible in Turin.

According to TVR, drivetrain production will remain in the UK. Autocar supposes that Ricardo will build a production line to supply new Euro IV emissions compatible motors. Ricardo is already working on bringing the TVR engines up to those standards, so going one step further and actually building them for TVR makes sense. Still, the fact that another British marque has left the island must sting the monarchy just a bit.

[Source: Autocar]

Thanks for the tip, Dino!

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