Smart ForTwo here in the States

Any excuse we can use to post a picture of the camo-clad smart ForTwo, we try. Not because we like its small footprint or its city-car utility. We just can't help imagining a Storm Trooper behind the wheel, or, even better, Darth Vader himself.

The folks over at AutoExpress got to take the newest ForTwo out for a ride and by 'ride' we mean they weren't allowed to get behind the wheel. Without getting a feel for the controls however, they came away overly impressed with practically every aspect of the vehicle.

The new smart has grown in both length and width, with the former gaining 20 cm and the latter about nine cm. All that space is there for a reason, as upgraded safety features and newly installed powerplants take up space. The engines themselves will be available in both gas and diesel, ranging anywhere between 800cc and one-liter in displacement. Power will also range between 61 and 81 BHP, depending on the chosen mill, with the common rail diesel expected to return over 60 MPG. The biggest improvement seems to be within the cabin, with upgraded materials and seats making the motoring experience more pleasurable. We're sure a longer wheelbase doesn't hurt much either.

Surprisingly, the new ForTwo was tested on this side of the Atlantic, amidst the SUVs and tractor-trailers that seek to consume the smart whole without chewing. Although it's not clear where, it seems pretty obvious from the photos that hot weather testing is well underway.

[Source: AutoExpress]

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