ZAP: charged up and eyeing Europe

ZAP certainly seems to be doing well. Revenues for the micro car distributor for the first 6 months of 2006 surpassed all of 2005 while the 2nd quarter alone showed a 376 percent increase over the same period last year. Now, they've got their sights set on Europe.

According to a recent press release, ZAP CEO Steven Schneider will be meeting with executives from auto manufacturers, distributors and engineering companies in the U.K., Norway, Sweden and Switzerland to discuss partnerships.

Ricardo Machado, president of Brazilian auto maker OBVIO!, will be joining Schneider for some of the meetings. ZAP and OBVIO! have already pounded out a deal to develop and distribute OBVIO!'s 828 (pictured) and 012 high-performance, micro sports cars which can run on any ethanol-gas blend. Electric versions will also be available.

I imagine ZAP and OBVIO! will thrive in Europe where the market is much more keen to micro-size cars (at least more so than in the U.S.)

[Source: ZAP]

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