Supercar NKOTB: the Edran Engima

Ever heard of Edran? Neither had we until this post came up over at Motor Authority. According to the site, Edran's been producing high-end driver's cars since 1984, including the Spyder pictured above. The website goes into detail about the automaker's philosophy, which hits all the enthusiast sweet spots by calling out the frivolous paraphernalia that seems to plague other uber-exotic performance cars.

The 'Enigma', at first, seemed to be the manifestation of that philosophy. The 2,700 lb. two-seater will come equipped with a 7.2-liter V8 (!), mounted mid-ship and producing upwards of 700 hp. That, partnered with the extensive use of carbon fiber and titanium, should bring the coupe to 60 MPH in a mere 3.9 seconds, with an estimated top speed of 211 MPH.

Naturally, one can expect a fully adjustable suspension, carbon/ceramic disc brakes and a variety of other trick accoutrements. Where the 'Enigma' seems to veer off course though, at least in our minds, is the 'standard equipment' listing, which includes: air conditioning, air-conditioned seats, custom fitted luggage, electronically operated gull-wing doors and a "roof-mounted, aircraft-style dual audio system console." Seems to fly in the face of the site's claim that, "In our quest for pure driving pleasure, it is our policy to oppose the use of meaningless gimmick-like gadgets in a car of this caliber."

Does the world need another exotic car manufacturer? Probably not, but considering the company's ambitions, we're more than willing to keep abreast of Edran's future developments.

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