BP continues to push its "better petroleum" image

BP recently announced the launch of a carbon offset program available to UK motorists called targetneutral. On the website, a driver can estimate his/her CO2 emissions and the cash value associated with its neutralization. Most people will find that the cost of offsetting their carbon emissions will be around £20 (about $38) per year.
BP provided the initial funding to set up targetneutral and continues to pay for administrative costs while the proceeds generated by the program are directed towards a host of CO2 reduction projects which currently include a biomass plant and a wind farm in India as well as an animal waste management and methane capture program in Mexico.

This Marketplace story from the American Public Media offers a bit of a different take on BP's announcement. Mark Trexler, president of Trexler Climate and Energy services which analyzes the carbon offset market, says that the value of these programs may be more educational than environmental and that BP's targetneutral comes up short.

[Source: Auto Industry]

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