BBC decides to back Top Gear against complaints

To think, we here in the U.S. would love nothing to more than to see the salty hosts of Top Gear on our own tubes instead of being forced to bittorrent episodes off of the web, and some viewers in the show's native land have taken to complaining about "controversial" remarks made by Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond and James May during recent episodes. The BBC reports it has received 500 objections on its complaint website in the last six months. Some of the complaints, for instance, were focused on Clarke's use of Nazi salute in one episode. To its credit, the BBC said in so many words that those watching the show should know its antics aren't carried out with any degree of seriousness.

We can't help thinking that if a network in the U.S. were in the same situation as the BBC that Top Gear would be watered down before you could say "FCC fine". So props go out to the British Broadcasting Corporation for backing our favorite show and not bowing down to the vocal minority. Now if you wouldn't mind just getting The Discovery Channel to start airing it again...

You can read the BBC's response in full here.

Thanks for the tip, James!

[Source: BBC News]

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