Mercedes-Benz keychain for $22,239.99 (CAN)

We count on sister-site Luxist to discover all those trinkets on which we plan to blow our dough when this Autoblog starts to really pay off. The Mercedes-Benz Platinum Luxury Key Ring offered on the Mercedes Benz Canada accessories site is just such an item. At the ridiculous price of $22,239.99 CAN, this keychain is made from .950 platinum and the brushed finish features the Mercedes-Benz logo on both sides and an appliquéd emblem on top.

For those who've come on hard times and can't afford such luxuries, Mercedes-Benz also offers an 18K gold (.750) version that costs just $7,469.99 CAN. But if you go for the gold you're not cool enough to hang with the platinum keychain crowd. Sorry.

[Source: Luxist

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