Used luxury cars as ultimate gift for your graduating kid

If you can't figure out what to give your child as he or she graduates high school, college, or even graduate school, consider a used car like a BMW or Saab. Sister site Luxist has posted on a report from the WSJ that says while many young drivers look at Mustangs or Civics for their first vehicle, much of that choice is due to the image that sedans are for "older, serious folks" as well as financial consideration.

If both parents and children are willing to fit the (slightly) larger bill, used luxury sedans make better choices. Such vehicles are considered safer because of their size and tend to have more standard safety features like extra airbags than even some of the top trims of new entry level vehicles. Top choices include the Audi A4, Lexus IS, and the Saab 9-3 (pictured).

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[Source: Wall Street Journal via Luxist]

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