ATV plus jetskis equals Quadski

The folks that brought you the Aquada are back with a new land-to-sea-and-back vehicle. Called the 'Quadski', the one-person vehicle drives like a normal ATV while carving up the beach. But when the driver's ready to cool off or in the mood for a more form of recreation, a press of a button, a five-second wait, and--presto!--you've got yourself a jetski! According to Gibbs Technology, the Quadski can reach 50 mph on land or in the water. While the company acknowledges the recreational purpose of the vehicle, it also points to more serious use like rescue missions in out-of-way places. A noble pursuit indeed, but let's hope the Quadski isn't priced like the Aquada at either its original asking price ($285,000) or at after it was discounted ($142,000).
Top tip, Mehool!

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[Source: gizmag]

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