Consumer Reports rates five sporty cars

Anyone in sales knows that a favorable review in Consumer Reports carries a lot of cred with the average consumer. Regardless of your opinion on the validity of CR's opinions, the product review publication has passed judgment on five sporty cars in its June issue that are sure to make a few automakers beam with pride.
The Mazda MX-5, Volkswagen Golf GTI, Pontiac Solstice, Civic Si and Ford Focus ST all faced CR's battery of tests in the current issue. The Golf GTI earned the spot of top-ranked sporty car under $25K while the MX-5 now ranks highest out of three roadsters below $35K. The other three cars fared well, but didn't blow CR staffers' socks off. The Focus ST's showing was surprisingly good for its age, while the Solstice didn't fare too well in the MX-5's shadow. The Civic Si was predictably well received.

Keep an eye out on Autoblog in the coming weeks for reviews of both the Mazda MX-5 and Volkswagen GTI, both of which are on their way for a one-week stay in the Autoblog Garage.

[Source: Consumer Reports]

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