Red Bull rents an F1 seat - maybe

Red Bull Racing has apparently sold Christian Klien's seat to Dutch racer and Red Bull test driver Robert Doornbos (right). According to, Doornbos' sponsor Muermans will pay more than $19 million to put their man in the seat currently held by Red Bull protege Klien, which is an all-time record for a paid drive in Formula 1.
Although paid drives are not uncommon at the lower end of the grid (they were a major source of revenue for Minardi, where Doornbos last raced), they are unusual in teams with aspirations to be front-runners (i.e., with money), who typically prefer to pick their drivers based on talent, rather than funding. Not to say that Doornbos is without talent. But still.

Red Bull issued an official statement on its driver lineup in response to the rumors - can read their press release after the jump.

[Sources:, Red Bull Racing] Thanks for the tip, amp!
Official Red Bull Racing Press Release

12.05.06 Guess the Driver

In view of a spate of rumours on the Internet today, Red Bull Racing would like to clarify who will partner David Coulthard for the rest of the season.
  • Monaco: His Highness Prince Albert
  • Silverstone: The new BRDC President, Damon Hill
  •  Canada: The singer Bryan Adams. Why? Because everything he does, he does it for us
  •  USA: Jim Morrison. Why? Because we're told he's good at closing the Doors on other drivers
  •  France: General de Gaulle. Why? Because he's always got his nose in front
  •  Germany: Kai Ebel. Why? Because at last he'd wear some really smart clothes
  •  Hungary: Christian Klien as it's the nearest thing to a home race for an Austrian
  •  Turkey: anyone who can get over the Bosphorus bridge in time for practice
  •  Italy: Flavio Briatore
  •  China: some Wong number
  •  Japan: Eugene Ide*
 * subject to FIA approval

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