Japanese automakers to dominate Britain in wake of Rover's demise?

The Japan Times reports that automakers Toyota, Nissan and Honda will most likely manufacture over fifty percent of the U.K.'s vehicles starting this year. This, following the collapse of British-owned MG Rover back in 2005.

Nissan Motor Co., the first Japanese automaker to enter Britain back in 1986, is expected to lead, with Toyota a close second. (Pictured is a Nissan Almera) Certain analysts praise the automakers from the Land of the Rising Sun, finding their influence on the domestic industry to be beneficial.

"When looking at the Japanese carmakers it was like looking at an MBA program for best practice in manufacturing," said professor Garel Rhys of Cadriff University. "The Japanese showed that you could make good cars in the United Kingdom and they gave confidence to other vehicle manufacturers. The message went out that there were no problems with British quality."

[Source: The Japan Times]

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