Big Oil joins biodiesel

Motiva Enterprises LLC, a major petroleum refiner, has begun to blend biodiesel with regular petroleum-based diesel at a Dallas terminal, a move that helps get the fuel in the tanks of drivers. Motiva, the result of a partnership between Shell Oil Co. and Saudi Refining Inc., gives significant credibility to biodiesel according to supporters. Says Paul Nazzaro, liaison to the National Biodiesel Board, about the announcement, "Frankly, a behemoth step."
Motiva joins other refiners blending biodiesel with motor oil at the terminal level including Valero Energy Corp. and Tesoro Corp. Sales of biodiesel in the U.S. has jumped from 500,000 gallons in 1999 to 75,000,000 gallons in 2005.

[Source: Seattle Post-Intelligencer]

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