Car designers pick Sexiest Car Alive

While many organizations have claimed this vehicle or that one as the most beautiful car in the world, the most recent being the International Automotive Festival crowning the Alfa Brera the sexiest sled alive, few can claim the legitimacy of this one. Car Design News, a website produced by and for the automobile designers of the world, has polled its own audience of designers and design students to discover which car auto artists themselves believe to be the best designed.

The Aston Martin V8 Vantage appears to be the design most revered by designers. After coming across the V8 Vantage in person a few times this auto show season, we have to admit that this car looks even better in person as it does in pictures. Second place went to the four-door Mercedes Benz CLS and third to another Aston, the DB9. The Alfa Brera managed to capture the hearts of designers to the tune of an eight place finish.

[Source: Car Design News]

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