Rent-A-Greaser in L.A.


Suddenly driving a hybrid just isn’t eco-friendly enough for some people. For those trendy tree huggers in L.A. a company named Bio-Beetle Eco Rental Cars is offering cars powered entirely from biodiesel for rent.

The company has set up shop near LAX with a fleet of four VWs that includes the New Beetle, Jetta and Passat. Weekly rates start at $199 and a gallon of biodiesel is going for $3.45/gallon. While that tops the per gallon price of petrol at the moment, these cars can travel between 400 and 800 miles on a tank. Only one problem: there’s one biodiesel station in all of L.A. And even though the vehicles are technically capable of running on straight up diesel, company founder Shaun Stenshol would be “very angry” if you filled up one of his tanks with anything but eu natural biodiesel.

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