Best websites: Lexus 1st, Pontiac and Suzuki tie at 2nd, Hummer 3rd


Lexus, apparently not content hoarding the top spot of J.D. Power & Associates Initial Quality and Vehicle Dependability studies, has also moved to the numero uno spot in best ease-of-use website. According to Dennis Galbrath, senior director of digital marketing, "scores at the top by upsetting the fewest shoppers.”

This is a big rise for, which took sixth place in J.D. Power’s last study. was first place in that study; the Korean automaker’s site has since dropped to fourth, tying BMW. Speed and simplicity were two of the goals focused by Lexus’ team when they redesigned the site., a brand by General Motors, ranked second with Suzuki. ‘Easy navigation’ was’s main strength according to J.D. Power.

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